What will you give financially to God’s work through The Well Sheffield?

The Well is a strong community serving each other and our city. We are entirely self-funded by gifts from people like you, who call The Well your church family. Giving financially, regularly and sacrificially to your church family allows us to sustain our life together as a community, support all our developed and emerging ministries, engage in mission in the city and beyond and give to the poor and vulnerable. What you give will increase what we can do and help us all achieve it. Money is the muscle of mission!

If you consider yourself part of The Well family and enjoy the benefits, we encourage you to contribute financially. If you’ve been ‘friends’ so far, then starting to give regularly is a great way of saying “I want to be family!”

We’re not asking for your money! We’re inviting you into an opportunity to be part of the journey and to partner with The Well in creating a community of faith and love which furthers the kingdom of God in our generation, our city and the nations. We believe in what’s happening through The Well. Do you?

Helpful resources

next steps

2 Corinthians 9:6 - “Each must give as they have decided in their heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion”

Talk it over
Then decide in your heart what to give and take action.

Standing order

This is The Well’s preferred option as it avoids all bank fees and we’re able to claim back 25p for every £1 given when you register for Gift Aid.

The Well's details are:

HSBC Bank,
Carmel House,
49-63 Fargate,
S1 2HD.

Sort code: 40-41-57
Account: 80552453
Use a reference to help us identify you.

For big donations, to avoid fees, please contact the treasurer]

Ask us if we can help you to think and pray this through.
Your community & leaders say a big THANK YOU!